Electron Microscopy Laboratory

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory carries out the characterization of materials using Tescan’s Clara scanning electron microscope. Currently, our laboratory provides analysis services to several research groups and companies.

The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique has been used to characterize materials such as rocks, precipitated asphaltenes, as well as biological samples and cancer cells.

SEM Clara is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope that allows the observation of materials at the nanometer scale. We have EBSD (Electron Backscatter Difraction) and EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) detectors, which allow the characterization of crystalline materials and the elemental mapping of chemical elements of the material with semi-quantitative quantification. In addition, we have Quorum’s Cryo PP3010 cryogenic system that enables the preparation of fluid samples for visualization under the microscope.