
Our team is led by two full professors, in addition to the collaboration of several other professors in joint projects. We have a team composed of research engineers, technicians and students from different levels of academic background.


Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes


Research lines:

  • Viscosity
  • Linear and nobnlinear viscoelastic properties
  • Other rheological properties
  • Rheology at high pressure
  • Tribology
  • Interfacial properties: interfacial tension, interfacial rheology
  • Emulsions stability
  • Microscopy
  • Experiments to visualization and flow simulation
  • Numerical flow simulation

Mônica Feijó Naccache


Research lines:

  • Viscosity
  • Linear and nobnlinear viscoelastic properties
  • Other rheological properties
  • Rheology at high pressure
  • Tribology
  • Interfacial properties: interfacial tension, interfacial rheology
  • Emulsions stability
  • Microscopy
  • Experiments to visualization and flow simulation
  • Numerical flow simulation



Priscilla Ribeiro Varges

Research Lines:

-> Viscosity
-> Linear and non-linear viscoelastic properties
-> Other rheological properties
-> Tribology
-> Microscopy
-> Experiments for flow visualization and simulation
-> Numerical simulation of flows

Vanessa Martins Picoli

Research lines:

-> Viscosity
-> Linear and nonlinear viscoelastic properties
-> Other rheological properties
-> Experiments for flow visualization and simulation

Eliana Marín

Research Lines:

-> Viscosity
-> Linear and non-linear viscoelastic properties
-> Other rheological properties
-> Interfacial Properties: interfacial tension, interfacial rheology
-> Emulsion, paraffinic oils and hydrates
-> Optical and scanning electron microscopy

Jairo Eduardo Leiva Mateus

Research Lines:

-> General rheological characterization under shear rate and extensional
-> Rheo-optical characterization
-> Particle and droplet size distribution through image analysis
-> Interfacial rheology under shear rate and dilatational rheology
-> Tribology-rheology at low speed and normal pressure
-> With interest in food rheology and biomaterials rheology


Lorena Moraes

Research Lines:

-> Linear and non-linear viscoelastic properties
-> Other rheological properties
-> Microscopy

Natalia Yoshihara

Research Lines:

-> Interfacial Properties: interfacial tension, interfacial rheology
-> Emulsion stabilization and destabilization
-> Microscopy

Andrea Vanessa V. Mora

Research Lines:

-> Nanomaterials
-> Enhanced Oil Recovery
-> Flow in Porous Media

Tiphane Andrade Figueira

Research Lines:

-> Nanomaterials
-> Enhanced Oil Recovery
-> Flow in Porous Media -> Interfacial Rheology
-> Flow Assurance
-> Biotechnology
-> Biological material characterization
-> Water Treatment



Alexandre Fernandes

Areas of expertise:

-> mechanical workshop

Mônica Netto

Areas of expertise:

-> Analitical and instrumental chemistry
-> Calibration of measurement equipment
-> Quality management - ISO 17025

Márcio da Silveira Carvalho (PUC-Rio)

Angela Ourivio Nieckele (PUC-Rio)

Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo (PUC-Rio)

Rafael Menezes de Oliveira (PUC-Rio)

Roney Leon Thompson (UFRJ)

Ricardo Andrade (UPM)

Hélio Ribeiro (UPM)

Flavio H. Marchesini (Ghent University)

Hans Joakim Skadsem (University of Stavanger)

Luca Bianco

Matheus Pinto Xavier

Henrique N. Uchôa

José Canazas

Pedro Sampaio – etrainee

Cynthia Barreto – trainee

Gabriel Goncalves De Barros – trainee

Ludmila Nardaci – trainee

Igor Duarte Parreira

Gabriel Elias

Gabriela Carvalho

Alberto Sant’Anna
Alexandra Alicke
Aline Abdu
Ana Carolina Rebello
Anderson Wang
André Baranowski
André Braghini
Andrés Sierra
Behbood Abedi
Bernardo Laterça
Bruna Leopércio
Bruno Nassar
Bruno Pereira
Camila Moreira
Camila Silva
Caroline Oliveira
Ciro dos Santos
Cleiton Fonseca
Cristiana Abreu
Cristiana Duarte
Dalila Gomes

Daniel Fonseca
Daniel Irigon
Denise Diniz
Edson José Soares
Edson Soares
Eduardo Dutra
Elias da Conceição
Erick Fabrízio
Erika Imada
Felipe Magarão
Felipe Terra
Flávio Marchesini
Flávio Ribeiro
Geovanne Abraão
Guilherme Barreto
Gustavo Moisés
Himer Pinto
Isabela Soares
Isis Nunes
Jaques Savino
Jaques Savino

Jéssica Santos
João Pedro Cunha
João Pedro Naccache
João Victor Nassif
Juliana Correa
Júlio da Costa
Lara Schmitt
Leandro Alencar
Leonardo Marques
Luis Sica
Luiz Antonio Reis
Luiz Fernando Coelho
Luiz Fernando Romcy
Luiz Gustavo Freire
Márcia Soares
Márcio Osório
Marina Ribeiro
Maurício Barçante
Maurício Lane
Mengen Liu
Nicolas Garschagen
Oscar Conorado
Patrícia Emídio

Paulo Henrique Silva
Priscilla Pimenta
Priscilla Sieira
Rafael Cavalieri
Renata Araújo
Ricardo Teixeira
Rodrigo Bicalho
Roney Thompson
Sandro Ferreira
Sergio Ribeiro
Shirley Nascimento
Sidney Perovano
Tatiana Rochinha
Thiago Nascimento
Thiago Pinheiro
Wander Barbalho
Washington de Oliveira
William Lopez
William Schroeder
Willian da Silva
Yago Soares