Fluid Characterization Laboratory
The Fluid Characterization Laboratory (LCF) is equipped to measure different properties of liquids, and perform calibration of glassware (viscosimeters and densimeters) and instruments used to measure these properties. Among these properties, we mention specific mass, viscosity of Newtonian liquids, interfacial tension, contact angle, etc.
The LCF is accredited by INMETRO in specific mass and viscosity, being one of the laboratories that make up the Brazilian Calibration Network (RBC). We are committed, together with customers, to act in accordance with the best professional practices, maintaining the highest level of quality in calibration and testing services and offering the industry and the community high quality services. In addition, there is the laboratory’s commitment to meet the requirements of NBR ISO/IEC17025 and the accreditation regulations.
Our main services are:
- Viscosity Measurement of Clear Liquids – 0.3 mm²/s up to 100,000 mm²/s
- Non-Automatic Glass Capillary Viscometer – 0.001 mm²/s² to 100 mm²/s²
- Glass densimeters – 0.6 to 1.850 g/mL
- Specific mass measurement – 0.6 to 2,500g/mL
Main equipment avalable:
- Densimeter
Anton Paar’s DMA 4500 M digital density meter is available. This has high precision (5 decimal places) and speed, in addition to operating in a wide temperature range. It considers the pulsed excitation method, has an automatic bubble detection system, promotes filling control and features an integrated intelligence system: regardless of changes in humidity, pressure and/or instrument conditions established by users, the effect on the operation and results is maintained.
- Tamsom baths with 0.01ºC precision and working range from 20 to 100ºC
- Reference densimeters and viscometers calibrated in Inmetro
High precision scales serving the range from 1mg to 3.0kg