Rheology at high pressure

The rheological properties also depend on pressure. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for processes to occur at pressures other than ambient. That is why it is necessary to determine the dependence on pressure of all rheological properties relevant to a given process.

Furthermore, in certain cases the microstructure of the sample dramatically depends on the thermodynamic state of the sample, so that obtaining properties at different pressure (and temperature) values provides essential information for understanding processes involving this type of material. An example is the formation of hydrates at high pressures and low temperatures when there is water in contact with short-chain gases, in particular hydrocarbons. When hydrates form, they can form a suspension whose viscosity grows exponentially with the concentration of hydrate crystals.


GReo has been working for years to determine the dependence of rheological properties on pressure, in particular viscosity and yield stress. These tests are typically difficult to perform, requiring a lot of experience and knowledge about rheology.


Infrastructure: Two rotational rheometers, equipped with pressure cells and different geometries; dual syringe pump.