
Linhas de Pesquisa

The scientific research activities of GReo aim at contributing for the advancement of knowledge that is needed for removing technological barriers which hinder the improvement of industrial processes.

For example, in the petroleum industry, processes such as well drilling and completion involve the flow, displacement, and substitution of non-Newtonian liquids. Very often the mechanical behavior of the liquids involved is viscoplastic, as is the case of the emulsions and suspensions.

During these processes, there is the occurrence of  several phenomena that are far from being well understood and that, not infrequently, are central to the success of the process itself. Some of these phenomena are the subject of GReo’s research activities. These research activities often involve theoretical, experimental, and numerical work aiming at better understanding the flow of non-Newtonian fluids through the different geometries that are representative of the processes of interest. Some specific examples of the research activities are


Constitutive models and rheological characterization of thixotropic materials.

Displacement of Non-newtonian Fluids

Study of the displacement of immiscible fluids through the use of dimentionless numbers based on the flow behavior and rheological properties of the materials.

Startup Flows

Startup flows of gelled waxy crude oils in pipelines at low temperatures, accounting for their yield stress properties.


Experimental Methods in Rheology

LAOS, yield stress measurement, protocols for the rheological characterization of waxy crudes, emulsions, cement pastes, among other.


The scientific research activities of GReo aim at contributing for the advancement of knowledge that is needed for removing technological barriers which hinder the improvement of industrial processes.

For example, in the petroleum industry, processes such as well drilling and completion involve the flow, displacement, and substitution of non-Newtonian liquids. Very often the mechanical behavior of the liquids involved is viscoplastic, as is the case of the emulsions and suspensions.

During these processes, there is the occurrence of  several phenomena that are far from being well understood and that, not infrequently, are central to the success of the process itself. Some of these phenomena are the subject of GReo’s research activities. These research activities often involve theoretical, experimental, and numerical work aiming at better understanding the flow of non-Newtonian fluids through the different geometries that are representative of the processes of interest. Some specific examples of the research activities are


Constitutive models and rheological characterization of thixotropic materials.

Displacement of Non-newtonian fluids

Study of the displacement of immiscible fluids through the use of dimentionless numbers based on the flow behavior and rheological properties of the materials.

Startup flows

Startup flows of gelled waxy crude oils in pipelines at low temperatures, accounting for their yield stress properties.

Experimental Methods in Rheology

LAOS, yield stress measurement, protocols for the rheological characterization of waxy crudes, emulsions, cement pastes, among other.