Our work

Our Work

The work developed by our group may be divided in three classes:

Over the years, we have also attended many congresses and published a number of articles in scientific journals.


The Rheology Group currently takes part in the following projects:

  • “Reologia de fluidos de perfuração e estimulação utilizando materiais nanoestruturados como aditivos”, CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2019/2023.

  • “Reologia de hidratos em linhas de produção”,CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2019/2022.

  • “Redução da estabilidade de emulsões água-óleo por deformação das gotas”, CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2018/2020.

  • “Eficiência de estratégias de desestabilização e inversão de emulsões água-em-óleo”, Equinor, 2018/2020.

  • “Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Teste de Óleo Modelo Reologicamente Semelhante ao Óleo Real: Fase 2”, CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2018/2019.

  • “Desafios em hidráulica de poços”, CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2016/2019.

  • “Início do escoamento de óleos gelificados em oleodutos – Restart III”, CENPES/PETROBRAS, 2015/2019.

The group has recently taken part in the following projects:

  • “Hidratos e técnicas de mitigação”, CENPES/ PETROBRAS, 2016/2018.

  • “Engenharia de interfaces”, PRONEX, FAPERJ, 2015/2018.

  • “Síntese e reologia de emulsões-modelo simulando emulsões reais de água em petróleos parafínicos”, CNPq/Edital Universal, 2016/2017.

  • “Petróleo modelo reologicamente semelhante ao real”, CENPES/PETROBRAS, 2015/2017.

  • “Início do escoamento de óleos gelificados em oleodutos”, Bolsa Cientista do Nosso Estado, FAPERJ, 2015/2017.

  • “Formação e propriedades de emulsões na produção de óleos pesados”, Statoil, 2014/2017.


We perform consulting services, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • Analysis and numerical simulations of industrial problems involving the flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, with or without transfer of heat and mass; 

  • Complete rheological characterization of various non-Newtonian fluids, including rotational, capillary, extensional, and interfacial rheometry;

  • Measurement of other properties of liquids: density, viscosity, interfacial tension, contact angle, etc.;

    1. Calibration of volume, viscosimeters, and densimeters, with emission of RBC certificates.

Contact us for more information and quote requests.


GReo is one of the research groups of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of PUC-Rio(DEM). Therefore, the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the GReo faculty members compose the respective DEM programs.

The courses offered on non-Newtonian fluid mechanics are:

  • Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics in the petroleum industry (intermediate level)

  • Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics I (graduate level)

  • Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics II (graduate level)

  • Advanced Thermodynamics (graduate level)

Furthermore, we offered, for almost a decade, an annual mini-course on the premises of GReo, on the campus of PUC-Rio da Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, lasting two days. The short course, entitled “Viscosity and Other Rheological Properties: Measurement and Applications”, was discontinued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, over the past year, we have reshaped and updated the course, which will now be divided into several online modules. The first module “Reologia – o que é e para que serve” will be lectured on 05/19/2021, from 5 pm to 7 pm. In this module we introduce the basic concepts of rheology and what are its industrial and day-to-day applications. At the end of this lecture, we will present the structure of the other modules and the dates of the next lectures. Click here to sign up!